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Show your support

Donating to Ongwanada makes a significant difference by supporting an organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities. With your contribution, Ongwanada can continue to provide essential services such as residential care, community participation support programs, and clinical services tailored to the unique needs of each individual. Your donation helps ensure these individuals receive the personalized support and opportunities needed to thrive, fostering greater independence, social inclusion, and overall well-being. By investing in Ongwanada, you are directly impacting the lives of people who rely on these vital services, empowering them to lead more fulfilling lives.

You can make a difference

Picture a volunteer who has committed to spending time with two gentlemen clients (separately) once per week, volunteering at the Foodbank with one gentleman and taking the other to Tim Horton’s for a weekly and much-loved treat. This is already an amazing volunteer success story, a dream come true for any organization. Now, picture that same volunteer who wholeheartedly supports his client friend by acting as a pallbearer at the client’s wife’s funeral. Now that is friendship, genuine and supportive friendship. 

– Anonymous

You can make a difference

Picture a volunteer who has committed to spending time with two gentlemen clients (separately) once per week, volunteering at the Foodbank with one gentleman and taking the other to Tim Horton’s for a weekly and much-loved treat. This is already an amazing volunteer success story, a dream come true for any organization. Now, picture that same volunteer who wholeheartedly supports his client friend by acting as a pallbearer at the client’s wife’s funeral. Now that is friendship, genuine and supportive friendship. 

– Anonymous

9 Ways you can donate today


Use your checkbook

Donating to a charity by writing a check is still the most common form of philanthropy in the world.


Give online

Donating online is quick, easy, and secure. You can make a donation using the form above. Ongwanada is a Registered Charity, and as such, your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by law.


Become a monthly donor

Consider a monthly gift, where your support has an impact all year long.


Leave a legacy

You can make a charitable bequest that distributes assets from your estate to Ongwanada through your last will and testament. To explore different charitable bequests and get the process started, we encourage you to reach out to your lawyer or notary.


Give a gift in memory

If you are making a donation in memory of someone associated with Ongwanada, please note that your name may be shared with the family of the deceased, If you wish your details not to be shared, please send an e-mail to that effect to


Host a third party fundraiser

It is easy for anyone to organize an event to benefit Ongwanada; you could do it individually, as a business, school, team, club, or group. However, we ask that our fundraising department is made aware of the event, and that way, we can outline any additional support or documentation that we can provide.


Join a Giving Circle

What is a giving circle? It is a form of collaborative philanthropy where individuals come together and donate to a shared fund. To find out about local opportunities, contact


Give your time

The gift of time is a precious one. There are many different volunteer opportunities that one can take part in to learn more head to our volunteer section.


Contact us

There are so many different ways that one can help. To find a customized option that works best for you, please get in touch with

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