Ongwanada Resource Centre Services

Ongwanada Resource Centre Services

Resource Centre Services
Ongwanada Resource Centre is home to various amenities, including a hydrotherapy pool, a Snoezelen room, the Joseph Dominik Sensory Garden, and the Pharmacy. Ongwanada also is the host site for Queen’s Genomics Lab. Many of the amenities at Ongwanada can be utilized by the public.

Hydrotherapy Pool
Located at the Ongwanada Resource Centre on Portsmouth Avenue, the pool is kept at approximately 36C, allowing stiff muscles to relax, helps to reduce pain, improves circulation, and allows for moderate strengthening.

Located at Ongwanada Resource Centre, the pharmacy is licensed by the Ontario College of Pharmacists (OCP). The pharmacy dispenses medications, maintains individual profiles, reviews drug interactions, and monitors the use of medicines in cooperation with prescribers. Ongwanada’s pharmacy is open to the public.

Joseph Dominik Sensory Garden
The Joseph Dominik Sensory Garden is an award-winning therapeutic garden that provides a dedicated area of sensory-rich stimuli of smells, touches, tastes, movement, and sights.

Snoezelen Room
The Snoezelen room is used to provide a variety of sensory elements to help stimulate or relax the senses.
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How to Access Ongwanada Services
Learn more about how you can access Ongwanada supports and services.
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