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Contact Us

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Contact Information

Ongwanada Resource Centre

191 Portsmouth Avenue
Kingston, Ontario
K7M 8A6

Phone: 613-548-4417

Fax: 613-548-8135

Pharmacy Fax: 613-548-1563

General Email:

Services based at Ongwanada Resource Centre:

Hydrotherapy, Snoezelen room, day program, Host Family and Respite Services, clinical records, laboratory, pharmacy, occupational health and safety, Queen’s Genomics Lab, occupational and physiotherapy, nursing, psychological services. community behavioral services,  social work , person centred planning, community network of specialized care, volunteer services, maintenance and administration.

Services Based at Crescent Centre:

Day program and skills training

Services Based at Balsam Grove:

Day program and spiritual care



We encourage you to reach out with any questions regarding Ongwanada and support and services that are provided. We will try our best to get back to you with an answer within two business days. Thank you. 

If you would like to submit a complaint or feedback, we ask that you complete this form or email


Complaints and Feedback

Ongwanada is committed to ensuring that a readily available and easily understandable process is in place to receive and address complaints and other feedback about the services and support that the organization provides. Clients, and their families, as well as the general public are welcome to offer suggestions, make a complaint or provide feedback. All complaints/feedback are taken seriously and Ongwanada will ensure a timely and full review and or investigation.

Whenever possible, Ongwanada will make reasonable efforts to resolve or address the matter to the mutual satisfaction of both Ongwanada and the person who has made the suggestion, complaint or feedback.

Any person who submits a complaint or provides feedback is not at risk of having his/her services and supports negatively impacted or withdrawn, as a consequence of their actions.

Ongwanada views the complaints and feedback process as a critical component in ensuring continuous quality improvement in the services and support provided to clients and believes it will assist in the identification and mitigation of risk to the organization.

For details on Ongwanada’s Complaints and Feedback Policy and instructions on how to submit a complaint or feedback, please refer to the attached policy.

French Language Services

Complaints and Feedback

If you have a complaint regarding French language services, please submit it here or via a letter. We ask that you include a clear description of the event giving rise to the complaint. The date, time, location, and parties involved in the event, a requested resolution, and a complete mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address.

Complaints will be acknowledged within 48 hours of receipt.