Memo to Families
January 2, 2021|January 2 [PDF] re: False Positive COVID-19 result Dear Ongwanada family members: Further to my memo of December 31 regarding a COVID-19 positive staff member, the result of a repeat test performed on the employee has returned...Memo to the Families
December 31, 2020|December 31 [PDF] re: Positive COVID-19 case Dear Ongwanada family members, We wish to advise that a staff member has tested positive for COVID-19. At this time we are working closely with the Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington...Memo to the Families
December 22, 2020| December 22 [PDF] re: Ongwanada COVID-19 Procedures Dear Ongwanada family members, The Premier of Ontario has recently announced a full lockdown of the province effective December 26, 2020. As a result, Ongwanada’s day program and...Announcement regarding Adult Protective Services
December 15, 2020 | Adult Protective Services Announcement [PDF] re: Adult Protective Services Adult Protective Services (APS) is a voluntary support program offering assistance to adults with a developmental disability living within their community. An Adult...Memo to Families
September 2, 2020 | September 2, 2020 PDF re: Short-Term Outings Dear Ongwanada Family Members, Further easing of restrictions for individuals living in congregate care settings as communicated by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services allows...Page 14 of 15