Research & Queen’s Partnership

Research & Queen’s Partnership

Research & Queen’s Partnerships
Queen’s Genomics Lab at Ongwanada
Queen’s Genomics Lab at Ongwanada (Q-GLO) is a research facility whose primary focus is on the genetics and genomics of developmental disorders (primarily Autism Spectrum Disorders) and psychiatric disorders. The lab is also a core facility offering genomic services including next-generation sequencing, biobanking, and bioinformatics.

Research & Queen’s Partnerships
Developmental Disabilities Consulting Program (DDCP) – Queen’s University
DDCP is a specialized, interprofessional service and teaching program concerned with the complex health and mental health needs of children and adults with developmental disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Research & Queen’s Partnerships
Partnership with Family Medicine of Queen’s University
In late 2015, Queen’s Department of Family Medicine and Ongwanada developed a memorandum of understanding through which the department will provide primary health care to a group of individuals Ongwanada supports. This agreement formalizes and expands a valuable and long-standing relationship between the two organizations, and reflects a unique collaboration between primary health care and developmental services. It is only one of two collaborations of its nature in all of Canada.

Research & Queen’s Partnerships
Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Queen’s University
The Division of Developmental Disabilities is an academic-service program and interprofessional faculty group within the Department of Psychiatry. Faculty representation includes medicine, genetics, rehabilitation therapy, social work and psychology. Clinical team members include psychiatry, family medicine, clinical psychology, occupational therapy and social work.
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