A group at Crescent Community Participation Supports Program recently connected with Heart Pillows Kingston. A local group led by a front-line RN who works within the cardiac program at Kingston General Hospital. The volunteer-led program provides supplies to volunteers who sew, fill and put together “heart pillows” for people recovering from open heart surgeries.

We were selected as one of the groups for this year to assemble these much-needed pillows, and the sewing group at Crescent just completed all 40 pillows on Monday morning, so they are now packed up and ready to be delivered to KGH.

Well done to the talented sewing group at Crescent, assisted by Julie Posthumus and Tracy Farrell. Your generosity and talents will undoubtedly help 40 people know that many in our community are behind them and send thoughts of recovery and care while undergoing their surgeries. ♥


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