May 11, 2021| May 11
re: rapid antigen testing
Dear Ongwanada family members,
Ongwanada’s primary interest during the pandemic has been to keep the individuals we support and our staff safe. That is why we are considering the introduction of COVID-19 rapid antigen testing for visitors.
This would involve a visitor who wishes to enter a residential home or other Ongwanada building performing a rapid antigen test as part of the regular COVID screening criteria.
The rapid antigen test is a screening test for COVID-19 that provides a result within 15 minutes of the test being performed. The visitor will be instructed by a staff member how to perform the test.
If the test is negative, and the visitor passes all other screening questions, they can proceed with the visit (a facemask and eye protection will still need to be worn).
If the test is positive the visit cannot proceed and the visitor will be instructed to arrange a PCR test at a Provincial COVID screening site.
If visitors choose not to undertake a rapid antigen test, they can proceed with a visit but the visit:
- Must take place outside
- Be physically distant
- Require visitor to wear full PPE
We are seeking your input to determine the level of willingness of visitors to participate in rapid antigen testing.
Please click on the link below and answer the questions.
Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding.
Alastair Lamb M.Sc., MPA.
Chief Executive Officer